Neighborhood Watch: Report of Attempted Burglary: Corozal, Belize

Reported by Lincoln Eiley of the Corozal Central Neighborhood Watch Group…

Yesterday, August 22, 2012 around noon, the owners of Hol Kol Kin Guest House were alerted by the caretakers of the new house immediately south of the hotel on 1st Avenue, who allege that the main entrance door to house owned by a Doctor had been forced and damaged. Entry was not made possible due to the door being secured from inside but visible damage to the door was suffered.

No police report is available in this latest attempt of burglary.

Folks, these are tough times for Corozal. We must still keep vigilant and exercise our rights to call the authorities for ANY suspicious activity. Our Central Neighborhood Watch # is 602-2126. We are on call 24/7.

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